Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tighter deadlines begin at 40!

I have been wanting to blog for quite a while but the last couple of weeks have been pretty hectic to say the least. Since the 12th of September I’ve had a magazine photo shoot, I turned 40, had to process the photo shoot pics, been extraordinarily busy at the agency as we prepare for a big, intensive campaign for one of our biggest clients, had a surprise party thrown for my said milestone birthday (thanks to my very cunning wife) and had a TV commercial to produce and direct at very short notice. There’s another TV commercial to do in the coming week or so, too. Deadlines lately have been nail-bitingly short and there’s more I’m aware of waiting for me on the horizon.

While shooting the TV spot, I received a call from Digital SLR Photography to tell me that they would like to feature one of my pictures in an upcoming issue. I was delighted and it gave me a real lift for the rest of the day’s shoot.
The 12th September photo shoot is now done and delivered to the magazine editor, Isabel. Her reaction was very positive, which is always a relief. The shoot has a cinematic theme and a running storyline. This style, I feel, really suits my style best and draws on my experience as both a writer and director for the screen. Once the shoot is published, I’ll blog about it in more detail. 

In the meantime, here are a couple of behind-the-scenes images:

Justin Brincat starts on Rodianne Grech's make-up

Antonio Patane' (hair stylist) and Davide Tucci wait to get going (Antonio's not a morning person, I learnt, and the 7am start on a Sunday was more painful for him than I had realised... so a 5am start next time!)

Davide gets his turn in make-up

Antonio starts the long process of getting Rodianne's hair sorted

hostgator discount

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